El Corte Inglés will launch an ‘internal Black Friday’ to raise sales

The dome of El Corte Inglés works on a program of aggressive discounts only for employees that will be activate this spring, foreseeably between March and April. It will be a kind of Black Friday, with aggressive discounts, in all its departments to encourage staff spending within the company.
El Corte Inglés has decided to exploit the advantage of its huge workforce – more than 90,000 employees, the largest of a private company in Spain. If the chain manages to increase the spending of workers within the stores themselves (including supermarkets) it would strengthen its sales and would be an effective balm for the decline in turnover that is expected to begin in the coming months.
This kind of “Black Friday only for employees” will not be an isolated and punctual promotion, but will be part of a long-term program to increase the maximum loyalty of the staff with the company. Thus, the company will try to make part of the money that pays on payroll stay at home.
Sales to employees are part of a small percentage, but the company wants to raise it to 5% of total turnover.
Source: Economiadigital.es
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