5 Best Walmart Black Friday Phone Deals: Apple, LG & Samsung

If you’re looking to upgrade your phone this Black Friday, then there are some genuinely decent deals floating around.
Discounts directly from Samsung and Google are the best right now, but don’t ignore the big retailers. Here are the five best phone deals at Walmart right now. Don't forget to check out the 5 best Black Friday phone deals at Target, Best Buy & Amazon too.
The best deal that Walmart is offering right now is a $400 gift card with the purchase of an iPhone 8, 8+ or iPhone X. But that also comes with a 24-month Verizon, Sprint or AT&T contract, which is something you should avoid if possible.
For the latest Samsung and Apple phones - the iPhone XS or Galaxy Note 9/S9, Walmart is giving away a $300 gift card - also with a 24-month Verizon, Sprint or AT&T contract.
That, unfortunately, as good as it gets with Walmart’s Black Friday phone deals for the top tier range. If you don't want to be tied down by a long contract - and you're happy with an older model - then there are some good unlocked devices on sale.
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